Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Reforma NM Bylaws, January 2012

EIN: 46-4140155

The following is the text of the document converted after scanning. This method sometimes leaves a few spelling errors, so please view this PDF to ensure accuracy.

REFORMA de Nuevo México
Constitution & Bylaws
Article I - Name
This organization shall be known as REFORMA de Nuevo México. NM REFORMA will be the abbreviation.
Article II — Purpose
The main purpose of this organization will be the same as that of its parent organization, REFORMA, The National Association to Promote Library Services to the Spanish Speaking: To promote the advancement, growth, improvement and implementation of library and information services to the Spanish Speaking and Latino population of the State of New Mexico. In particular, the purposes of the Corporation are to: (i) unite Hispanic librarians and all other librarians interested in working with the Spanish speaking, (ii) promote and conduct research and studies concerning educational materials and library programs available to serve the Spanish speaking, (iii) promote the development of Spanish-language and Hispanic oriented library collections, (iv) collect and disseminate information about and for the benefit of the Spanish speaking, (v) help recruit prospective bilingual and bicultural librarians, including providing scholarship aid for students, the criteria for such scholarships to be determined by a Committee designated by the Board of Directors, and (vi) engage in all other educational and charitable activities permitted by law.
Article III — Nonprofit Status
This Chapter is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes, within the meaning of section 501(0) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code)
Article IV - Membership
Any person who is supportive of the goals and objectives of this organization shall be eligible to apply for membership. All members in good standing have the right to vote for officers, dues, or matters presented for approval to the membership. Only members who are individuals in good standing are eligible to be elected or appointed as Officers of the Corporation.
Annual membership rates apply per calendar year and are renewable in January. The current schedule of annual dues* is as follows.
1. Librarian earning more than $60,000 per yr.  $40
2. Librarian earning more than $30,000 per yr. $30
3. Librarian earning less than $3 0,000 per yr. $25
4. Library Support Staff $15
5. Library Trustee/Commissioner $20
6. Library Science Student (1st yr.) Free
7. Community supporter/Retired $15
8. Library/Library School $33 50
9. Corporate member $200 
10. Life member $400
11. International member $10
*Approximately one third of the total chapter dues shall support the REFORMA Scholarship program (in accordance with the national REFORMA guidelines).
Article V – Officers
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2. The terms of office shall be one year for all offices except for the Vice President elect. The term of office shall end at the conclusion of the business meeting of the Organization at the New Mexico Library Association (NMLA) conference each spring.
Section 3. All officers will be democratically nominated and elected during the business meeting at the spring NMLA conference. A voting majority shall elect officers. Elected officers shall be announced immediately and by email or paper notices to the entire membership.
Section 4. In case of a vacancy, the President shall have the power to appoint an active member to fill said vacancy.
Section 5. In the event of a vacancy for the of President, the Vice President shall serve as President for the remainder of the term and also serve as President during the following year.
Section 6. Duties of Officers:
a. Shall call and preside over all meetings of the general membership.
b. Shall be the official representative for the organization and shall provide leadership for all its activities.
c. Shall form special committees as needed and may also suggest members to serve on these committees.
Vice President/President Elect
a. Shall assist in carrying out the duties of the President.
b. Shall assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
a. Shall be in charge of the recording and the preservation of all records, publications, and history regarding the functions and activities of this organization.
b. Shall take minutes for meetings of the general membership. Shall provide copies of said minutes to the entire membership, either through email or postal mail.
c. Shall pass on all records to the succeeding officers who are elected to this position.
(1. Shall be responsible for handling all financial matters of the organization.
e. Shall be responsible for keeping accurate and timely records regarding all income and disbursements.
f. Shall prepare the necessary reports to the membership and the IRS.
Article VI Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held quarterly (Jan., April, July, Oct.) or as needed. Location will differ from meeting to meeting in order to be most accommodating to the membership.
Section 2. All members shall be notified of upcoming meetings by written or email notice at least (how many?) weeks prior to all scheduled meetings.
Section 3. The President shall be empowered to call special meetings with written notice, by telephone or by email at least one week prior to such meetings.
Article VII -- Committees
Standing Committees: these committees shall be established by a major vote of all members present at any regular meeting. The duties, powers and number of participants of such committees shall be set by the membership. The President may appoint members to serve on standing committees. Members on standing committees shall serve for one calendar year.
Special Committees: The President shall be empowered to establish special temporary committees or work teams to a special need. The President may appoint members to serve on special committees. Members on special committees shall serve until the task of the committee has been met, but no longer than two years.
 Nominating Committees: This committee will research potential officers and present nominations to the membership prior to the REFORMA meeting at the annual NMLA conference.
Article VIII -- Quorum
Section 1. Decisions requiring a vote by the membership shall be conducted by electronic or postal mail ballot if a quorum is not present at regular or special meetings. A quorum shall be based on 60 percent of the average attendance of active members present at the two previous meetings. [isn’t this a bit specific for a group our size?]
Section 2. Elections and amendments to the Bylaws shall be conducted by email or mail if a quorum is not present at regular or special meeting. A quorum shall be based on 60 percent of the average attendance of active members present at the two previous meetings. [same as above]
Article IX Affiliations
Section 1. The active membership of this organization may choose by a majority vote to affiliate itself with other local organizations.
Article X -- Amendment to Bylaws
Section 1. All members shall be informed through email or postal mail of all proposed amendments to the bylaws at least two weeks prior to the meeting in which such changes will be brought up for consideration
Section 2. All amendments to the bylaws require a vote by mail or email if a quorum is not present at a regular or special meeting. A quorum shall be based on 60 percent of the average attendance by active members at the two previous meetings.
Article XI -- Earnings of the Organization
Section 1. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall be disbursed to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501 (c) (3) purposes.
Section 2. No substantial parts of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; nor will the organization participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaigning on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate in public
Section 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of the activities, the organization shall not carry on activities not permitted: (omitted some words here)
a. By an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code, or
b. By an organization contributions (not sure what this means) to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).
Article XII - Dissolution
Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of REFORMA de Nuevo Mexico (NM REFORMA), any assets remaining shall be first used for payment and discharge of any existing liabilities or obligations of the Organization; second, for lawful provisions for the administration and disposition of any property held in trust by or for REFORMA and third, for all other acts required to adjust and complete its business and affairs, including a return of funds to the National REFORMA association.
Section 2. Upon dissolution of this organization, remaining assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, i.e. charitable, educational, religious or scientific, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be disturbed distributed to the Federal government or to the state of New Mexico for a public purpose. No member, individual, nor any organization shall have any right, title or interest to any remaining assets of the organization.
Adopted on xxxx, xx, 200X, at the spring meeting of the New Mexico Library Association, XXXXX, New Mexico

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